Where can I order the pictures?
The best way to do this is to use the order form or pre oder form. Alternatively you can simply send me an e-mail.
I ordered pictures from you, but I haven't heard anything in a while.
I will try to answer the request as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that I can only do this work in my spare time.
It is also possible that I have already written to you. Check your Spam folder. Unfortunately my e-mails are also classified as spam because of the link.
How do I get the pictures?
You will receive from me a link to my cloud from where you can download the pictures to PC or Smartphone.
Do I have to download each image individually?
With iOS, you really need to download each image separately. For Android, Windows and MacOS you can download the images as ZIP files. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of your web browser.
I have received the pictures, but it has underneath pictures that are very similar.
The price is calculated for 8-10 pictures. Because I prepare the pictures anyway, I don't do a selection procedure and simply give all pictures for this price. That makes everything a bit easier.
How can I pay?
Payment is possible via e-banking or Twint.
Since there are fees with payment slip or Paypal, please do not use these possibilities.
What is the advantage if I pre-order the pictures?
These orders will be treated preferentially so that you will receive them as soon as possible. Orders placed after the competition will be processed as soon as all categories are online. This will be the case towards the end of the week.
I will also be able to pay special attention to pre-ordered athletes during the competition.
I participate in the ISC and the SM, is there a discount if I order both?
My prices are already very favourable, competitions of the SBFV at which I take official photos are additionally 10 francs cheaper than normal. Therefore I can't go any lower with the prices.
Are you just photographing the finale?
I try to photograph the preselection and the final, so that there are pictures of everyone, even if you don't reach the final.
The website will only show pictures from the finals.
Can I download the images from the website and use them?
Feel free to download and use the images as long as they are not commercial.
Please note that my pictures may not be changed. This also applies to Instagram filters and similar. Our logo of SBFV and Athletixx may not be removed or hidden. In addition, the source must be mentioned in the text.
Can I change the ordered category afterwards in case of a double start?
Yes, this is possible, but only until I have delivered your pictures. Therefore, write me an email with your change request on the day of the competition.
I have only ordered one category, but now I want both, is that possible?
Yes, this is still possible, you do not need to make a new order, an e-mail is enough. The surcharge is also CHF 20.-
A magazine is writing an article about me. I would like to use pictures of you.
If you have ordered the pictures from me, you are welcome to pass them on to the newspaper. Please don't forget to pass on my contact details as well, so that the source is indicated correctly in the article.
If you have not ordered any pictures from me, give the magazine my contact details so that they can contact me. I Will send the needed photos directly to the magazine.
In any case, I would be happy if you send me a photo of the article afterwards.
I am from a press and write an article about bodybuilding or a competition. Can I use pictures of you.
In this case, please contact the association info@sbfv.ch
On behalf of the association I can gladly provide pictures.